Saturday, October 01, 2005

So If Johnny Jumped Off The Golden Gate Bridge...?

I guess the main question is... "Is It Safe??"

Wow... Everybody's got a blog, so I guess I'll get a blog

I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us — don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.
How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!
~Emily Dickinson~

Or is that an admiring blog?

Emily had it right, though... Why do we want to be noticed so
much? I think that is the main reason why poets and writers
write is that they really want to be noticed.

I know I do... The problem is that I'm mostly afraid that what
I write will be crap. So I avoid the whole problem by not writing
at all. With faith and work, perhaps I can change all that. Maybe
I can actually get my stories off the ground and make myself
get that notice that we writers crave.

So there it is, first post. I'm hoping that this will become a
whetstone for my writing. We shall see.



Blogger Mermaid Melanie said...

when i first started my blog it was because i needed another place to dump my mind crap. And being an addict, anything i can get thouroghly distrcted with to avoid living my life...yea.

I am glad to see you here Stu. Your words in the past have provided me with great comfort and joy. So blog away my dear friend. You deserve another avenue of adolation.

Welcome to Blogsvile. It will distract you also fromt he fact that RP is stil compromised...SIGH.

sorry about CA. I was pretty burnt out by the time we hit carmel. But don't worry, because it seems that i am going to be out there again very soon.

long story.


word of advise, click on the link to keep from getting spammed on your blog. :wink:

3:56 AM  
Blogger edieraye said...

I look forward to reading much more of your stuff!

8:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

:yell: Welcome to the blogosphere, Stu-man!

12:29 PM  
Blogger ladybroadoak said...

If Johnny were blogging along he wouldn't have time to even think about the Golden Gate bridge.

Writing, in any form, is the best therapy for the word warriors of this world. Write long enough and with enough heart, both hemispheres of your brain start to synchronize. I think if you write long enough, and with enough truth, you don't sweat quite so much, at least about the small stuff. Write and write and then write some more because it's good self care whether your in it for the attention or not.

Write until you get your OWN attention and then people, by some fluke, WILL notice you.

And that's a Good Thing.

As us post-modernists living in cramped urban spaces who can sit quietly, doing "nothing" for hours, will tell you: it's all okay, unless it sucks. And writing, even the act of making the teeny tiniest mark on the page, asserting one's identity, does not suck.

And then, Stu, the kicker -- it really helps when you have talent and imagination to spare. And you do.

10:26 AM  
Blogger winter said...

You? Write crap? It hardly seems possible, much less likely. Buck up, young Tanner!

8:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stu, I'm looking for Gnomad...Since I can't PM you, and don't have an email addy for you....I thought I'd leave you a lil' reminder here....If you will Fedex him to me, I'll reimburse you (assuming you have him)....

Pyro Paula

8:18 AM  

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