Thursday, May 11, 2006

Death Stalks Us In The Courtyard

Death stalks us in the courtyard.
Padded stealth commits
itself to vigil. Hidden
by dieffenbachia camouflage,
the unsuspecting prey.

Perched upon a sun-warmed rock,
she waits for us to take our turn at
the watering hole (tea set).

This secret world hides the fantastic mind
of feline hunting manners,
gracious her living and perilous her

So grateful that she lets us live here.

These tiger stripes hide a belly filled
with felled antelope (fancy feast)
as she waits for the moment to

Twitch in traitor tail gives the game away.

Vicious attack wins victory against helpless
victim (right shoe).

In sunlit satisfaction she waits, licking.

Stuart Andrew Marshall Tanner


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