Comments Envy
I've been visiting the blogs of friends and acquaintances and trying to understand my feelings of envy as I notice all the comments others have had to there postings. It's not FAIR!! my inner child screams. I know people read this site because I see the counter show the "hits" the site gets. Yet no one comments. I'm not worthy. My inner child, whiner that he is, pouts in the corner and sez, "Nobody loves me!"
I wonder why it is that we humans feel this overwhelming need to be appreciated. Why can't we just be honest about posting our insights and know that just by stating them we are doing ourselves a great good and leave it at that? I feel so cheap that once I noticed that I'm not "getting my share" of comments, I started to feel a dissatisfaction so profound as to leave a pit of disappointment and sadness in my stomach. I'm not as evolved a being as I thought I was.
Perhaps I could put my blog into the "no comments accepted" mode and then I could lie to myself about all those who are dying to comment and yet can't. I could invent the legions of admirers and detractors who are stymied by their inability to make a scratch upon my iconic wit and viewpoints. Then I could gloat instead of sitting in the bath feeling bereft and ignored.
Ha! Go ahead ignore me! I don't care!
Such a lie. I'm just like the rest of humanity. I am a person desiring the acclaim and affection of others hearts and just like all others I languish in solitude. I, despite all attempts to the contrary, am human.
I wonder why it is that we humans feel this overwhelming need to be appreciated. Why can't we just be honest about posting our insights and know that just by stating them we are doing ourselves a great good and leave it at that? I feel so cheap that once I noticed that I'm not "getting my share" of comments, I started to feel a dissatisfaction so profound as to leave a pit of disappointment and sadness in my stomach. I'm not as evolved a being as I thought I was.
Perhaps I could put my blog into the "no comments accepted" mode and then I could lie to myself about all those who are dying to comment and yet can't. I could invent the legions of admirers and detractors who are stymied by their inability to make a scratch upon my iconic wit and viewpoints. Then I could gloat instead of sitting in the bath feeling bereft and ignored.
Ha! Go ahead ignore me! I don't care!
Such a lie. I'm just like the rest of humanity. I am a person desiring the acclaim and affection of others hearts and just like all others I languish in solitude. I, despite all attempts to the contrary, am human.
You're also not alone in how you feel about this issue.
Stu, you big pup. Love is far more complicated than any notion of acceptance. You know this yes?
Still, I am very familiar with your feelings here, as they are also a vulnerability of mine.
It is a process my friend. Please just stick to the iconic wit that you have in abundance and don't resort to the colonic variety
to elicit the attention you most certainly deserve.
doood. you're so not loved. nobody loves you. nobody wants to talk to you.
eh, what a bunch of dreck. you are one of the funniest and most astute knuckleheads i've come across in a while. it just takes time for the folks to show up and feel comfortable posting comments.
hell, i've gone through lots of posts without a single comment.
i know they have visited, and i know they've read. guess i keep telling myself that's all that is important, but it's still nice to get a little feedback every once in a while.
now all we have to do is readjust your politics, and hell, winner winner!
ok, i'll go away now
commenting! you have to comment to get comments, you know. ;)
Oh, Stu, I am a little late on the uptake to post on this to you. BUT just think . no one, no one at all feels compelled to comment on what I write but the US Navy and other interlopers. Would you want THAT? I find that it sort of squelches others' impulse to post comments to me when those sorts of PTB are trolling around.
Sometimes there is Cold Comfort in being "left alone" instead of criticized, too.
I nearly gave up earthlings cuzza being IGNORED. But people, I now realize, do nod their heads and go "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw!' at alot of my bs. And .. that's ... okay. Shit. Even at my AA medallion no one hugged me!! I am TERRIFYING, I guess, despite my "niceness". And i think you seem so TOGETHER, people just wouldn't expect that you might care if they post comments to ya. You're THAT good! Yup, you are that good.
You make people THINK as well as to enjoy themselves! And the footer on my email succintly sums up just WHY some do not wish to *comment* on our (highly-original) work:
"Tell people something they already know and they will thank you for it. Tell people something new and they will detest you for it"
or as they say, no good deed goes unpunished! In our case, originality and having a soul gets to be a bit much for most folks.
Here. Babe. Is what you deserve for every word you produce .. a nice juicy SWAK and a big OOOO.
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