Friday, February 10, 2006

Aegean Stables... Redux!

You would think that a man who likes to write and has spent many years in offices as one particular flunky or another would have his home paperwork situation in hand but that wasn't the case.

I had a large filing cabinet (floor mounted style) into which I threw all my receipts, bank statements, tax forms, letters from friends etc. It is big... It holds lots of paper... But after four years somethin' gotta give.

What prompted a change was the fact that I needed a form I KNEW was in there but I couldn't find. I finally just reached my bottom and admitted I had to do something about the situation. So...

For the last three days I have been sorting through the pile of stuff. It was an avalanche of paper which I sorted into three piles. They were: throw away now, shred before throwing away, keep because it's important. Then I went to work shredding. Since I don't own a shredder I had to do it with scissors (boy is my hand tired!) and then stir liberally to make sure no dumpster diver could ever figure out what was there. Then I sorted the stuff that needed saving and placed the paperwork into Manila envelopes with labeling on the outside and sorted the cabinet and filed the envelopes neatly and then cleaned up the mess in my bedroom/office. I am very proud of myself. I think I'll order Chinese food to celebrate... I'm too pooped to cook.

I know I didn't do it all in one day like Hercules did but I didn't have a river handy.


Blogger An Urban Femme said...

Congratulations, Stu! What a job!

Next time you feel the need, let me know. I love to shred!!

10:01 AM  
Blogger S.A.M. Tanner said...

Stephanie the Shredder...

I'll keep that in mind.

I'm really loving the clean apartment...



2:39 PM  
Blogger Mermaid Melanie said...

clean is good. very good. sense of accomplishment.


9:31 PM  

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