Saturday, October 29, 2005

The Tower Of Pisa... Make Up Yer Mind!

Seven come eleven, roll them bones and go to heaven!

Sometimes I feel like that as I make the mistake of projecting forward instead of living in the now. The two theories come into play and all of a sudden I get vertigo as I feel that I am on the edge of a precipe. Perfectly understandable, but boring. I wish I could just pick one and stay with it.

The theory of timely existence states that unless we want our life to work very poorly, we must reach out and make positive plans and then translate the plans into deeds so that we are doing good things and living in comfortable surroundings.

The theory of now states that thing never really change and you must relax into the now, drop the inner dialogue and enjoy existence because the rest is a puppetshow.

But somehow I cannot really stick with one or the other. I sometimes believe one, I sometimes believe the other. They're both right... and wrong.

So, as I trip my way along, I make sure to breathe on the dice... and to just breathe... whichever.


Blogger Mermaid Melanie said...

No offense Stu. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. This is my take on time. MWAH...

the theory of time. Its amazing to me that people have to explain the passage of time. Its such an illusion. A rate of pace based on the rise and fall of the orb of warmth that keeps our planet alive.

Its an illusion. have i said that yet? We live in an unreal state when we measure, constantly trying to explain our progress by actions done in the frame of days. Chronological counting based on rotation of the planet and that orb thing. Now is the only time we are actually alive Stu! We are alive NOW!

Its all a big play in front of our eyes that we decifer into chunks by what has happened. Historically. When you live in the now, you are much more free to experience all that is. All that flows between you and the rest of the organisms that are encompassed within our realm. and you can hear them and feel them. And it is beautiful.

Breathe into the now. Know the now. Forget all that has kept you from the now. I struggle with inner dialogue every freakin second of my life. And what i know from my struggle is this. When i am in the now, i am at peace. I am one with myself. and that is one of the best feelings around.

i can think of another one, heavy breathing here, but that takes me out of the NOW! tee hee....

Thanks for sharing this STu. and giving me a place to spit out my idea.

3:18 AM  
Blogger newwavegurly said...

My life has me straddling the line between the two ideas. I've learned to live a lot more "in the now," and do so more now than I ever have in my life. I make the occasional plans for my future, but I don't let them rule what I do now, unless absolutely necessary.

Planning for the future, trying to project forward... there are too many times in my past where that has only brought me disappointment. Living in the now has enabled me to have more happiness and joy in my life... and I like that (who wouldn't?).

6:09 AM  
Blogger Alexandra said...

Cheri Huber calls this the duality slide! Isn't that great? Do you sometimes feel you're on a teeter-totter? I think it's human nature. I go there myself quite often! Good thing is, you can always come back. There is no bouncer at the door of Now...


10:08 AM  
Blogger edieraye said...

Is it an either/or option? Can't I do both? I would describe myself as a journeyer. And it is the journey that is important to me. There has to be a destination because that is part of the journey. The anticipation of what is around the next corner and the anticipation of an end are both vital to my enjoyment of the now. But it is in the journey itself - and the journey is always now - that I live.

4:12 PM  

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