Thursday, December 07, 2006

What Is It With Cats?

Strange creatures, eh what? They go from being nuisances who make an inordinate amount of trouble, needing to be let out, needing to be let in, feeding them (which means getting my carcase out of bed at a disgustingly early hour or she will continue to pounce upon me at five minute intervals), grooming them (hold still now, I promise I'll get them burrs out of your fur without hurting you too mu...YOWCH!!), and let's not even TALK about the catbox! They go from that to being this amazingly restful bag of purrs which lies upon you chest and twitches her tail in a most appeasing manner until I forget the jerkoff life which set me to lying upon the sofa (in hopes of forgetting just how frustrated and sad you feel) in the first place.

It's a trick I can tell you. How these critters get us to take care of them and nurse them and indulge their yowls and claws and hairballs is beyond my figguring...

But I do love the way they look at you when they want you to do something and you're too dumb to know what it is...


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