Wednesday, March 01, 2006

March Hair "cut"

Well, here we are in the realm of the March Hare. That little-known creature of lore and myth who is "Madder Than A Hatter" (wow, there's another strange term of insanity). What is a March Hare?

Well, as I've been told, during the last days of winter and leading up to the bloom of spring the diet of the rodents falls dangerously short of nutrients as they chew on dried grasses from the year before and wait for the shoots of spring. They become short on Vitamin C and other necessary things in their diet and they start to jump and spin in reaction to the lack of good foodstuffs. This usually happens in March, just before the blooming of April. Therefore the name. If you could feed your rabbits and hares some fresh produce, they would react much more normally.

Herein lies a truth, winter sucks.

Also, what comes in March is the time when Stuart (our brave correspondent) usually gets his "cut it all off" bowl haircut. The hair, left long for winter's chill, has begun upon these days to get cumbersomely long and in need of truncation (cut the damned stuff off of my head!) So it is right about now that I take the electric trimmers, set them on longest possible cut and take everything down to a more manageable one inch length. All the hairs one inch long. It's what I call my Napoleon Cut. Very distinguished in a sorta militaristic way. Easy to take care of.

So, in this California of fresh produce 24/7 ~ 365... I have to deal with March Hair much more than a March Hare.

But my haircut doesn't bring me chocolate like the Easter Bunny does.


Blogger Mermaid Melanie said...

you don't look like a hare. do you? besides what a great feeling. a haircut is.


12:40 AM  
Blogger S.A.M. Tanner said...

I love the feeling when I'm done and I can run my fingers over my short hair... it's like being freed.

7:13 PM  
Blogger winter said...

Great. Once again, I suck, apparently.

Thanks buckets.


9:18 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...


I thought someone in here had chocolate?

Where's the dang chocolate?!?!

I was misled. Again.

*hug* (chocolate optional)

6:18 AM  
Blogger S.A.M. Tanner said...

Don't touch that colored egg!!

(You never know where it's been!)

Winter, it's not that you personally suck... it's just those guys who hang with you... frostbite just isn't conducting himself well.

5:44 AM  

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