Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Infinite Supply

I believe that finding that you have lack in your life is a sure sign that you aren't in touch with your inner strength. The center of our being, which is beyond our thinking mind and is beyond our ego structure, lives in a place of infinite love and from that infinite love I believe we can find infinite supply to apply to our life.

Religion won't give it to you, working harder won't give it to you, stealing from others won't give it to you.

As the frontpiece of "The Course In Miracles" says,

"Nothing that is real can be threatened, nothing that is unreal actually exists. Herein lies the peace of God."

As the holy-rollers say in their chanting... "You gotta run to the rock."

There's more than enough for you... as long as you allow it to be in your life.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Scam What Am

I'm not a fan of religion... I dropped out of ministerial training because I fell seriously out of love with religions and dogma so when I say that this hasn't affected my deep faith in my own personal "higher power" I want you to know that I have this deep faith not because of any intellectual thinking process but because I've had "experiences" which can possibly be called "mystical" and these experiences have cemented my belief that humans are created beings and that life does not end when the body gives up the ghost.

But to answer other's questions and/or raging comments beforehand I really don't believe that it's my job to "prove" anything to you.

If you choose to be an atheist and believe that this is your best option in this world, so be it. It isn't going to change things much.

The only thing I ask is that you apply the "golden rule" to your lives as much as possible.

"Do unto others as you want to have done to you." Sounds like
good symmetrical thinkning to me.

Monday, November 27, 2006

I Am What I Am

Popeye had it right. We are that we are...

(and just a note for you who believe that trying to prove the existence of a deity is actually something your limited
mind can accomplish, just remember that you cannot create a rock so big you cannot lift it)

And while you are trying to get your minds around this bit of dumb, I will wish that you had a great Thanksgiving.

Don't forget to pay the caterer and tip the waitrons.

(Waitron, I just love that term. It is an attempt to make the job of waiter/waitress more gender-neutral... makes sense as long as we continue to try to pretend that there is no difference between the sexes ~ You can thank San Francisco and the political correctness police for that term)

I cooked a nice simple roast and put out bread and let people make their own sandwiches... and lots of wine and beer to wash the inedible things down. I think it passed muster.

Maybe when Xmas comes around I can depend upon someone else to do the cooking so I can sit in the corner and get slowly and thoroughly drunk.

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