Infinite Supply
I believe that finding that you have lack in your life is a sure sign that you aren't in touch with your inner strength. The center of our being, which is beyond our thinking mind and is beyond our ego structure, lives in a place of infinite love and from that infinite love I believe we can find infinite supply to apply to our life.
Religion won't give it to you, working harder won't give it to you, stealing from others won't give it to you.
As the frontpiece of "The Course In Miracles" says,
"Nothing that is real can be threatened, nothing that is unreal actually exists. Herein lies the peace of God."
As the holy-rollers say in their chanting... "You gotta run to the rock."
There's more than enough for you... as long as you allow it to be in your life.
Religion won't give it to you, working harder won't give it to you, stealing from others won't give it to you.
As the frontpiece of "The Course In Miracles" says,
"Nothing that is real can be threatened, nothing that is unreal actually exists. Herein lies the peace of God."
As the holy-rollers say in their chanting... "You gotta run to the rock."
There's more than enough for you... as long as you allow it to be in your life.